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Found 411 results

Blueprinting the service company. Managing service processes efficiently, Fließ, S., and Kleinaltenkamp M. , Journal of Business Research, 57 (2004) 4, p.392–404, (Submitted)
Explanatory Factors for Participation in Formal Standardisation Processes: Empirical Evidence at Firm Level, Blind, K. , Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 15 (2), p.157-170, (Submitted)
HyPro. Ganzheitliche strategische Veränderung zum Lösungsanbieter, , Hybride Wertschöpfung. Verfahren und Instrumente, Leipzig, p.12-13, (Submitted)
Solution Selling: Wie der Wandel zum Lösungsanbieter gelingt, Woisetschläger, D., Backhaus C., and Michaelis M. , Systematische Gestaltung von Leistungen und Prozessen in KMU - Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen, (Submitted)
A taxonomy of standards in the service sector: Theoretical discussion and empirical Test, Blind, K. , The Service Industries Journal, 26 (4), p.397-420, (Submitted)
Coopetition Based Interaction Design for Optimal Customer Attraction, Lin, Yuting, and Yuan Soe-Tysr , Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
The Economics of Service Level Engineering, Kieninger, A., Westernhagen J., and Satzger G. , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Empathic Service Systems: ‘Designing’ Emotion in a Cancer Care Service System, Stacey, P., Bascavusoglu-Moreau E., and Tether B. , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Groupsona: A Method for Discovering the Needs of Social Interaction Embedded Services, Wang, Jyun-Cheng, Chiang Cheng-Hsin, Chang Ching-Hui, and Chung Pei-Wen , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Improving Service Through Just-in-Time Concept in a Dynamic Operational, Tan, Kar Way, Fu Na, and Lau Hoong Chuin , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building, Yeh, Yu-Chen, Hsieh Pei-Hung, and Yuan Soe-Tsyr , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Risk-Reward Sharing in IT Service Contracts – A Service System View, Satzger, G., and Kieninger A. , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2011)
Barriers to IT-Driven Governmental Transformation, Henningsson, S., and vanVeenstra A. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
The Business Perspective of Cloud Computing: Actors, Roles, and Value Networks, Leimeister, S., Riedl C., Böhm M., and Krcmar H. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Co-Creation in Business Service Lifecycle Management, Krug, S., Korthaus A., Fielt E., and Leyer M. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Competition of Service Marketplaces - Designing Growth in Service Networks, Conte, T., Blau B., and Yongchun X. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Cultural Influences on IS Service Quality Perceptions, Rabaa’i, Ahmad A. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Design Options for Service Directories in Business Networks, Alt, R., and Smits M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Determinants of Grid Assimilation in the Financial Services Industry - An Institutional Theory Perspective, Wolf, M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
E-Government in the Making: Socio-Economic Development in the Akshaya Project, Cordella, A., and Hesse J. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Economic Integration, IT Intensity and the Aggregate Economic Impacts of IT Services Offshoring, Chou, Y. C., and Robert J. K. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
Enterprise Fraud Management Using Cloud Computing: A Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework, Unal, E., and Yates D. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Evaluating IT Services Price Benchmarks under Uncertainty, Kauffman, R. J., and Sougstad R. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
The Impact of Service-Oriented Architecture on Business Networkability, Kohlmann, F., and Alt R. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
An Integrative Model of Consumer’s Adoption of RFID Credit Card Service, Zhu, Yu-Qian, and Chen Houn-Gee , Proceedings of the 44thHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
IT Empowerment or Exclusion? The Dilemma of Online Government Advisory Services, Li, M., and Gregor S. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
ITIL and the Creation of Benefits: An Empirical Study on Benefits, Challenges and Processes, Marrone, M., and Kolbe L. M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Learning Service Experience from the Service Encounter of a Retailing Chain Storefront, Lin, Fu-Ren, Po R. W., and Cruz Orellan C. V. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
Managing the Current Customization of Process Related IT-Services, Brocke, H., Uebernickel F., and Brenner W. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements – Towards Individualized On-Demand Services, Brocke, H., Ubernickel F., and Brenner W. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Modelling Exploratory Analysis Processes for eResearch, Yao, L., and Rabhi F. A. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
A Multi-Tier Negotiation Protocol for Logistics Service Chains, Karaenke, P., and Kirn S. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
On Business Services Representation – The 3 x 3 x 3 Approach, Le, L. S., Dam H. K., and Ghose A. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Online Government Advice: How to Succeed, Manning, L., and Gregor S. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Online Resumes: Optimizing Design to Service Recruiters, Furtmueller, E., Wilderom C., and Mueller R. M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Ontological Services Using Crowdsourcing, Lin, H., Davis J., and Zhou Y. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
An Ontology-Based Natural Language Service Discovery Engine – Design and Experimental Evaluation, Becker, J., Müller O., and Woditsch M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Open Innovation Success or Failure – The Impact of Contextual Factors, Westergren, Ulrika H. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
Power Control to the People? Private Consumers’ Acceptance of Smart Meters, Kranz, M., Gallenkamp J., and Picot A. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Risk-Based Decision Support in Service Value Networks, Michalk, W., Blau B., Stößer J., and Weinhardt C. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
The Risks of Sourcing Software as a Service – An Empirical Analysis of Adopters and Non-adopters, Benlian, A., and Hess T. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Role-Based Access Control for Information Federations in the Industrial Service Sector, Kunz, S., Evdokimov S., Fabian B., Stieger B., and Strembeck M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
A S-D Logic Based Approach to Input-Output Analysis for Technology Spillover, Hsieh, Yen-Hao, and Yuan Soe-Tysr , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
Selecting Critical Processes for a Six Sigma Project – Experiences from an Automotive Bank, Zellner, G., Leist S., and Johannsen F. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Afrika, (2010)
Smart Home: Aligning Business Models and Providers Processes; A Case Survey, Solaimani, S., Bouwman H., and de Reuver M. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
SOA Adoption in Business Networks –Does SOA Live up to High Expectations?, Loehe, J., and Legner C. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Supporting Information Needs of Senior Citizens in Community Aged Care, Nguyen, L., Evans S., Wilde W. D., and Shanks G. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Towards A Set of Requirements for A Holistic IT Solution Engineering Approach, Herzfeldt, A., Schermann M., and Krecmar H. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Towards Providing Lightweight Access to Legacy Applications as Cloud-Based Services, Schulze, T., Thum C., and Klems M. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
Under-representation in SLAs for Global IT-centric Services, Stern, A., and Davis J. , Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2010)
User Perceived Requirements for a Mobile Accounting Information System, Al-Dabbagh, B., Scornavacca E., and Hoehle H. , 21st Australian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, (2010)
User Perceived Service Quality of mHealth Servies in Developing Countries, Akter, S., D Ambra J., and Ray P. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Valuating Business Process Flexibility achieved through an Alternative Execution Path, Braunwarth, K., and Ullrich C. , 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria, South Africa, (2010)
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering, Gräßle, M., Thomas O., and Dollmann T. , Hybride Wertschöpfung. Mobile Informationssysteme zur Integration von Produktion und Dienstleistung, p.83-131, (2010)
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering. Überblick, Klassifikation und Vergleich, Gräßle, M., Thomas O., Fellmann F., and Krumeich J. , Proceedings: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010 (MKWI-2010), February 23-25, Göttingen, Germany, Göttingen, p.2031-2042, (2010)
A Model of Preference Elicitation: The Case of Distributed Resource Allocation, Stößer, J., and Neumann D. , Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, 2009, Verona, Italy, (2009)
The (Missing?) Value of IT in Public Organizations – The Case Of the Swedish Rescue Services, Frisk, E., and Ljungberg J. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Bid Price Control and Dynamic Pricing in Clouds, Anandasivam, A., and Premm M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Building Leadership for Life Cycle Business Transition by Hybrid Innovation, Salminen, V. , Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, (2009)
Collaborative Sourcing – The Motivation and Design of Demand Side Combinations, Borman, M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Coordinating Service Composition, Blau, B., Conte T., and Meinl T. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Cost-Effective Firm Investments in Customer Information Privacy, Kauffman, R. J., L. Yong J., and Sougstad R. , Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, (2009)
The Customer Comes Second! Warum Mitarbeiterbindung in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken wichtig für die Kundenbindung ist, Woisetschläger, D. M., Michaelis M., Backhaus C., and Evanschitzky H. , Arbeits- und Dienstleistungsforschung als Innovationstreiber – Bilanzen, Herausforderungen, Zukünfte, p.173-180, (2009)
Design Criteria for Public E-Services, Röstlinger, A., and Cronholm S. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Design Rules for User-Oriented IT Service Descriptions, Henrik, B., Thorsten H., Vogedes A., Schindlholzer B., Uebernickel F., and Brenner W. , Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, (2009)
The Development and Test of a Relationship Model on System Use, Job Learning, and Impact, Torkzadeh, R., Chang J. C., and Hardin A. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Do Best Practice Frameworks Fit Open Source Software Customization?, Keßler, S., and Alpar P. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Does the Answer Lie in Collaboration? - A Case Study on e-Government and Societal Aging, Becker, J., Niehaves B., and Ortbach K. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Empirical Comparison of Methods for Information Systems Development According to SOA, Offermann, P., and Udo B. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
An Empirical Exploration of Requirements Engineering for Hybrid Products, Berkovich, M., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
An Event-Driven Approach to Dynamic Situation Detection, Jacob, A., Müller M., and Kirn S. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
An Exploratory Investigation of Critical Success Factors in Wireless Field Force Automation Projects, Djemai, K., and Favier M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
A Framework for Analysing Service Ecosystem Capabilities to Innovate, Riedl, C., Böhmann T., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
A Framework for Design Research in the Service Science Discipline, Becker, J., Beverungen D., Knackstedt R., Matzner M., Müller O., and Pöppelbuß J. , Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Francisco, California, USA, (2009)
Generative Mechanisms for Innovation in Information Infrastructures, Bendik, B. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
How German Hospitals Govern It - An Empirical Exploration, Köbler, F., Fähling J., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Innovative Capability Development Process: A Singapore IT Healtcare Case Study, Teoh, S. J., and Cai S. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
IT Impacts on Operation-Level Agility in Service Industries, Lee, One-Ki, Peng X., Kuilboer J. - P., and Ashrafi N. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
IT-Enabled Change into the Structures of Health Information Systems in Africa: A Case Study in Kenya, Bernardi, R. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Know-how Transfer bei der Internationalisierung von technologieorientierten Dienstleistungen von KMU, Uhlmann, M., and Raßbach K. , Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen, Heidelberg, p.117-132, (2009)
Making Money with Clouds: Revenue Optimization Through Automated Policy Decisions, Püschel, T., Anandasivam A., Buschek S., and Neumann D. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Measurement of e-Service Quality: An Empirical Study on Online Travel Service, Li, H., Liu Y., and Suomi R. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Mit hybriden Leistunsgbündeln zur Digitalen Fertigung, Denkena, B., and Hoppe P. - M. , ZWF-Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 104 (2009) 4, p.S. 253 - 257, (2009)
Model-Based Decision Support for the Customer-Specific Configuration of Value Bundles, Becker, J., Beverungen D., Knackstedt R., and Müller O. , Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 4 (2009) 1, p.26 - 38, (2009)
NFC Based Service Innovation in Retail: An Explorative Study, Wiechert, T. J. P., Schaller A., Thiesse F., and Fleisch E. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Opportunities and Challenges of Mobile Personalization: An Exploratory Study, Ho, Shuk Ying , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Organisationsentwicklung beim strategischen Wandel vom Produzenten zum globalen Anbieter von Problemlösungen, Lay, G., Bollhöfer E., Lerch C., and Schröter M. , Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen, Heidelberg u.a., p.43-78, (2009)
Organizing for Effective Solution Selling - Empirical Findings and Conceptual Thoughts, Alt, R., Fähnrich K. - P., and Franczyk B. , Proceedings First International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS '09), Berlin, p.89 - 102, (2009)
Predominantly Electronic or Personal Service Delivery? A Case in The Wealth Management Context, Sunikka, A. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Quantifying Value to-the customer of product-related services - first empirical result, Seiter, M.and Schwab, C., Heußler T., and Michaelis M. , Moving forward with Service Quality - Proceedings of the Quis 11, Ingolstadt 2009, p.614-623, (2009)
Reconceptualising the Information System as a Service (Research in Progress), Gable, G., and Rai A. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Selecting Web Services and Participants for Enforcing Workflow Access Control , Hwang, San-Yih, Yin Chuan, and Lee Chien-Hsiang , Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, (2009)
Service Analysis - A Critical Assessment of The State of the Art, Kohlborn, T., Korthaus A., Chai T., and Rosemann M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Service Prozess Bibliothek, Meier, H., and Kaiser U. , Industrie Management 25 (2009) 2, p.75-78, (2009)
Service Scenarios - A Socio-Technical Approach to Business Service Modeling, Baekgaard, L. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Service-Oriented Architectures: Modeling the Selection of Services and Platforms, Widjaja, T., and Buxmann P. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Sourcing and Automation Decisions in Financial Value Chains, Henneberger, M., Katzmarzik A., Müller S., and Pleie F. M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Towards a Consolidated Concept of Maturity in Providing Customer Solutions, Pöppelbuß, J., Knackstedt R., and Becker J. , Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Services Science (ISSS'09)., Leipzig, p.295-307, (2009)
Towards a Service Governance Framework for the Internet of Services, Janiesch, C., Niemann M., and Repp N. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Understanding the Manifold Forms of B2b Integration - A Transaction Cost Perspective, Legner, C. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Unternehmensinternes Wissensmanagement beim Dienstleistungsexport von KMU, Merkel, T., and Hummel J. , Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen, Heidelberg, p.103-116, (2009)
Use of Colored Petri Nets to Model, Analyze, and Evaluate Service Composition and Orchestration , Gehlot, V., and Edupuganti K. , Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science, (2009)
A Utility-Based Model to Define the Optimal Data Quality Level in IT Service Offerings, Cappiello, C., and Comuzzi M. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Value Potential and Challenges of Service-Oriented Architectures - a User and Vendor Perspective, Becker, A., Buxmann P., and Widjaja T. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, (2009)
Vermarktung produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen - Ein Leitfaden, Heußler, T., and Schwab C. , Projektbericht Nr. 6, KorServ, Münster, (2009)
Why Information Technology is Not Being Used for Financial Advisory, Schwabe, G., and Nussbaumer P. , 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona, (2009)
Analyzing Information Flows in Service Networks, Rosenkranz, C. , Proceedings of the Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2008, Berlin, (2008)
Best Practices des Solution Sellings, Ahlert, D., and Kawohl J. , Volume 1, Münster, (2008)
Bridging the “Front Stage” and “Back Stage” in Service System Design , Glushko, R. J., and Tabas L. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Case Study Based Service Process Library Supporting the Ressource Planning for Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS²), Meier, H., Funke B., Krings R., and Krug C. , Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME), Neapel, (2008)
Collaborative Continuous Service Engineering, Ryan, R., Blau B., Neumann D., and Weinhardt C. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
The Critical Issues about Deploying RFID in Healthcare Industry by service perspective, Kuo, C. H., and Chen H. G. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
The Design and Success of Shared Services Centres, Borman, M. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
The Design of An Accountability Framework for Service Engineering, Lin, K. Y. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Design of Service Systems under Variability: Research Issues, Kannan, P. K., and João F. P. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Designing IC Structures by Variety Engineering, Rosenkranz, C., Holten R., and Laumann M. , Proceedings of the 23nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008), Fortaleza, (2008)
Diffusion of E-Government Services in Australia: Citizens' Perspectives, Singh, M., Sarkar P., Dissanayake D., and Pittachayawa S. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
The Effects Of Communities Of Practice On The Success Of An Expert Recommending Service, Vitari, C., and Ravarini A. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Ein Ordnungsrahmen für lebenszyklusorientierte Planung im Facility Management, Bernhold, T., Nitzsche F., and Rosenkranz C. , Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, München, (2008)
Enhancing Customer Experience within the Mobile Telecommunications Industry, Anaman, M., Lycett M., and Love S. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption of E-Government: A Review and Critical Assessment, Patel, H., and Jacobson D. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Gaining the World and Losing the Soul? Trust Change in Electronic Government, Grimsley, M., and Meehan A. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Herausforderung Beratungsdiebstahl: Kundenbindung als Lösung?, Evanschitzky, H., Backhaus C., and Michaelis M. , Technologie und Dienstleistung: Innovationen in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen, p.433-442, (2008)
ICT Outsourcing in the Swiss SME Sector: Conclusions and Typcial Company Clusters, Leimstoll, U., Schubert P., and Fisher J. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur softwarewerkzeugunterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel, Becker, J., Beverungen D., Knackstedt R., and Müller O. , Dienstleistungsmodellierung - Methoden, Werkzeuge und Branchenlösungen, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.53 - 70, (2008)
Konzeption einer Modellierungssprache zur tool-unterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel, Becker, J., Beverungen D., Knackstedt R., and Müller O. , Proceedings of the GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung, p.S. 45 - 62, (2008)
Konzeption einer Modellierungstechnik zur tool-unterstützten Modellierung, Konfiguration und Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel, Becker, J., Beverungen D., Knackstedt R., and Müller O. , Proceedings of the GI-Tagung Modellierung, Workshop Dienstleistungsmodellierung, Berlin, p.45 - 62, (2008)
A Lifecycle Approach towards Business Rules Management, Nelson, M. L., Rariden R. L., and Sen R. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Modeling, Customer-Specific Configuration and Calculation of Value Bundles, Becker, J., Beverungen, D. ad Knackstedt R., and Müller O. , Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, Canada, (2008)
Moving Toward a Service Metaphor for Describing, Evaluating, and Designing Systems, Alter, S. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Personalized Marketing Messages in an Online Banking Context: Does Anybody Notice?, Bragge, J., Kallio H., and Sunikka A. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Preisbildung bei produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen, Heußler, T., Michaelis M., and Schwab C. , Projektbericht Nr. 2, KorServ, Münster, (2008)
Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Backhaus, K., Frohs M., and Weddeling M. , Arbeitspapiere des Forschungsprojekts ServPay, Nr. 2, (2008)
Providing Spontaneous WLAN Guest Access as a Mobile Value Added Service, Stein, S., and Hampe F. J. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Provisioning of Service Mashup Topologies, Blau, B., Michalk W., Neuman D., and Weinhardt C. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Questioning the Use of Opaque Web Practices among Low-cost Airline Carriers, Barry, C., and Torres A. M. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Semi-Automated Provisioning and Usage of Configurable Web Services, Borissov, N., Blau B., and Neumann D. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Service Co-Creation with the Customer: the Role of Information Systems, Grace, Aa, Finnegan P., and Butler T. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
The Service System is the Basic Abstraction of Service Science, Spohrer, J., Vargo S. L., Caswell N., and Maglio P. P. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Service Systems as Customer-Intensive Systems and its Implications for Service Science and Engineering , Pinhanez, C. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Service-oriented Resource Management, Dorn, J., and Werthner H. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Solution selling für KMUs, Ahlert, D., Kawohl J., and Schulze-Bentrop C. , Volume Nr. 4, Münster, (2008)
Strategies for Influencing the Standardization Process: Examples from Within, Grøtnes, Endre , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Testing Some Myths About IT Outsourcing: A Survey of Australia's Top 1000 Firms, Rouse, A. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Towards a Framework for Evaluating Immersive Business Models: Evaluating Service Innovations in Second Life , Henry, M. K., Lyons K., and Cunningham M. A. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Towards Service Engineering: Service Orientation and Business-IT Alignment , Chen, Hong-Mei , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
The Unaspected Destiny of a Collaborative E-Marketplace: The Agriok Case, Mola, L., Rossignoli C., and Carugati A. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Data Services: A Value Perspective, Byoungsoo, K., Sunghun C., and Ingoo H. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Understanding the Key Drivers in User Loyalty Toward Mobile Data Services, Byoungsoo, K., Minnseok C., and Ingoo H. , 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway, (2008)
Using Process Models for the Design of Service-Oriented Architectures: Methodology and E-Commerce Case Study , Thomas, O., Leyking K., and Dreifus F. , Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008)
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von Produzenten und Dienstleistern als Option zur Organisation der Erstellung hybrider Leistungsbündel, Becker, J., Beverungen D., and Knackstedt R. , Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke} editors={Becker, J. and Knackstedt, R. and Pfeiffer, D., Heidelberg, p.3 - 31, (2008)
Wettbewerbsprofilierung mittels hybrider Produkte, Schmitz, G., and Modlich S. , Industrie Management. Mai 2008, p.53-56, (2008)
Combining Cybernetics and Conceptual Modeling – The Concept of Variety in Organizational Engineering, Rosenkranz, C., and Holten R. , Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, Korea, (2007)
Comparing Coordination Arrangements Enabled by Web Services and Web Service Orchestration Technology, Janssen, M., and Kuk G. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
A Conceptual Model for IT-enabled Enterprise Risk Management in Financial Organisations, Oh, Lih-Bin, Phua Teck-Wee, and Teo Hock-Hai , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Cooperative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Alpine Tourist Destinations, Fux, M., Mathieu D., and Myrach T. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Determinants of Customer Loyality in China C2C eCommerce: From a Social Network Perspective, Chen, Jin, Zhang Cheng, and Huang Lihua , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
DIHK Dienstleistungsreport Frühjahr 2007, , Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK), Berlin, (2007)
Empirically Testing a Model for the Intention of Firms to Use Remote Application Hosting, Heart, T. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Enhancing Best Practice in Public Health: Using Process Patterns for Business Process Management, Stephenson, C., and Bandara W. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, Switzerland, (2007)
Exchange Design Patterns for Electronic Intermediaries, Fielt, E., Janssen W., Faber E., and Wagenaar R. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Explaining and Predicting Information Systems Acceptance and Success: An Integrative Model, Seen, M., Rouse A. C., and Beaumont N. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
A Framework for Developing Personalizeable Mobile Services in Automobiles, Hoffmann, H., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
A Hybrid Framework for Automated and Adaptive e-Business Platforms, Christ, O., Schroth C., and Janner T. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Implementing Views on Business Semantics - Model-Based Configuration of Business Documents, Janiesch, C. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Integrated e-Government Systems: Unintended Impacts for Those at the Margins, Letch, N., and Carroll J. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
IS Offshoring: A Proposed Maturity Model of Offshore IS Suppliers, Gannon, B., and Wilson D. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Iseller - A Generic and Hybrid Recommendation System for Interactive Selling Scenarios, Zanker, M., and Jessenitschnig M. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
IT Service Management Improvement – Actor Network Perspective, Cater-Steel, A., and McBride N. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Knowledge Process Outsourcing: Identifying Potential Research Agenda Based on Industry Trends, Freeze, R., and Sen S. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
A Logic Regression Analysis to Examine Factors Affecting Broadband Adoption in the UK, Dwivedi, Y., Lal B., Irani Z., and Williams M. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Managing Vendor Contracts in Public Sector I.T.: A Case Study on the UK National Health Service, Guah, M., and Currie W. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Mobile Enhancement of Care Work, Vuokko, R. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Mobile Services for Vehicles, Kuschel, J., and Dahlbom B. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Multi-Method Approach to Guide Design and Use of ICT Infrastructure Services, Fomin, V., and Egyedi T. M. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
On The Management Implications of Ubiquitous Computing: An IS Perspective, Fleisch, E., and Thiesse F. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Partnership Outsourcing Evolution, Westergren, U. H. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Proposing a Business Model Framework for the e-Newspaper Introduction, Ihlström, E., and Kalling T. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Referenzmodell für einen IT-gestützten mobilen Gesundheitscoach, Esch, S., Knebel U., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, Proceedings zum 7. Workshop der GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, Aachen, (2007)
Referenzmodell für einen IT-gestützten mobilen Gesundheitscoach, Esch, S., Knebel U., Leimeister J. M., and Krcmar H. , Proceedings zum 7. Workshop der GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, Augsburg, p.70-84, (2007)
Semantic Interoperability Conflicts in Pan-European Public Services, Peristeras, V., Loutas N., Goudos S., and Tarabanis K. T. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Service-Innovationen in der Industrie. Innovatorenquote, Umsatzrelevanz und Wachstumspotenziale, Lay, G., Kirner E., and Jäger A. , Mitteilung aus der ISI-Erhebung zur Modernisierung Nr. 43, Karlsruhe, (2007)
SOA Adoption in Practice - Findings from Early SOA Implementations, Legner, C., and Heutschi R. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Success Factors in the Introduction of Standard Software in Core Processes of Banks, Schierholtz, R., Kolbe L., Geib M., Kohnke O., and Brenner W. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, Switzerland, (2007)
Trust Indicator Modeling for a Reputation Service in Virtual Organizations, Winkler, T. J., Haller J., Gimpel H., and Weinhardt C. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
A Value Flow Model for the Evaluation of an E-Learning Service, Loukis, E., Georgiou S., and Pazalos K. , 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, (2007)
Vertragsgestaltung im Kontext hybrider Wertschöpfung, Burianek, F., Ihl C., and Reichwald R. , Arbeitsbericht Nr. 02 / 2007 des Lehrstuhls für Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Information, Organisation und Management der Technischen Universität München, (2007)
Application of Coloured Petri Nets in the Prospective Analysis of Cooperative Provision of Industrial Services, Winkelmann, K., and Luczak H. , Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2006, Bonn/Sankt Augustin, p.286-291, (2006)
A Business Model for Collaborative Commerce Marketplace, Seng, D., Cheung Y., and Lee J. B. V. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Coordination Theory. A Ten-Year Retrospective, Crowston, K., and Rubleske, J.and Howison J. , Human-computer interaction and management information systems, New York, p.120–138, (2006)
Developing the Electronic Service Acceptance Model from Internet Securities Trading System, Rotchanakitumnuai, S. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Entwicklung hybrider Produkte. Gestaltung materieller und immaterieller Leistungsbündel, Spath, D., and Demuß L. , Service Engineering. Entwicklung und Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen, p.463-502, (2006)
Erfolgsfaktor kundenorientiertes Service Engineering. Fallstudienergebnisse zum Tertiarisierungsprozess und zur Integration des Kunden in die Dienstleistungsentwicklung, Nägele, R., and Vossen I. , Service Engineering. Entwicklung und Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.521-543, (2006)
Exploring the Characteristics of Mobile Data Service Users in Australia, Oh, Sangjo, Yang S., Kurnia S., Mackay M. M., O’Doherty K., and Lee H. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Impact and Limitations of Modular Service Platforms: The case of IT Services, Böhmann, T., and Krcmar H. , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Troyes, France, (2006)
Können teure Werkzeugmaschinen auf längere Sicht günstiger sein?, Denkena, B., Harms A., Möhring H. - C., and Noske H. , 3. THK Kolloquium „Produktivität und Umwelt“, Ensisheim, 23.-24. November 2006, (2006)
Koordinationsbedarfe und integrierte Informationslogistik hybrider Wertschöpfung, Böhmann, T. , Proceedings of the 6. Dienstleistungstagung: Innovation – Dienstleistung – Beschäftigung, Berlin, (2006)
Life-cycle oriented development of machine tools, Denkena, B., Harms A., Jacobsen J., Lange D., Möhring H. - C., and Noske H. , Proceedings of 13th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, LCE 2006, "Towards a closed loop economy", Volume 2, May 31st - June 2nd 2006, (2006)
Modulare Servicearchitekturen, Böhmann, T., and Krcmar H. , Service Engineering: Entwicklung und Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen, Heidelberg, p.pp. 377-402, (2006)
Organisationstheorien, Kieser, Alfred , Stuttgart, (2006)
Teaching and Implementation Models for Sustainable PSS Development. Motivations, Activities and Experiences, McAloone, T. C. , Sustainable Consumption and Production. Opportunities and Threats. Launch conference of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network, Wuppertal, (2006)
Towards an abbreviated COBIT framework for use in an Australian State Public Sector, Gerke, L., and Ridley G. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Transforming IT Service Management – the ITIL Impact, Carter-Steel, A., Toleman M., and Tan Wui-Gee , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Überwachung von Kugelgewindetrieben, Denkena, B., Jacobsen, J.and Lange D., and von Möhring H.-C.}.title={Überwachung Kugelgewindetrieben , VDI-VDE Tagung „Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme“, 27.-28. September 2006, (2006)
Values and M-Services Adoption, Standing, C., McManus P., Standing S., and Karjaluoto H. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Victorian Local Government Websites: Tracking Information Provision and e-Service, Shackleton, P., Fisher J., and Dawson L. , 17th Australian Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide, (2006)
Die pro-services Workbench. Werkzeuge für das Service Engineering, Winkler, T., and Loser K. - U. , Konzepte für das Service Engineering – Modularisierung, Prozessgestaltung und Produktivitätsmanagement, Heidelberg, p.217-232, (2005)
Integrierte Entwicklung von Product-Service Systems, Steinbach, M., Botta C., and Weber C. , wt Werkstattstechnik online, 95 (2005) 7/8, p.546-553, (2005)
Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungskonzepten, Bruhn, M., and Hadwich K. , Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen, Wiesbaden, p.103-124, (2005)
Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen: Bestandsaufnahme und Entscheidungsunterstützung, Luczak, H., Winkelmann K., and Hoeck H. , Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen - Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Wiesbaden, p.389-413, (2005)
Kooperation. Erklärungsperspektiven der Neuen Institutionenökonomik, Woratschek, H., and Roth S. , Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke. Grundlagen – Ansätze – Perspektiven, 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden, p.143-166, (2005)
Modellierung von Prozessschnittstellen modularer Servicearchitekturen, Böhmann, T., Loser K. - U., and Krcmar H. , Konzepte für das Service Engineering, Heidelberg, p.167-186, (2005)
MoSES – Baukastensystem für modulare Dienstleistungen, Fogl, F., Winkler Th., Böhmann T., and Krcmar H. , Konzepte für das Service Engineering – Modularisierung, Prozessgestaltung und Produktivitätsmanagement, Heidelberg, p.85-100, (2005)
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Evaluation, Transfer und Weiterverwertung, Bruns, I., Hentschel M., Janas D., Killich S., Liestmann V., Meszlery K., and Scherrer U. , Vom Produzenten zum Dienstleister. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 16 Nr.163, Düsseldorf, p.123-165, (2004)
Modellierung und Planung von Dienstleistungsnetzwerken kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen der Investitionsgüterindustrie, Winkelmann, K., and Bömmels Y. , Kommentierte Literatursammlung, Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung an der RWTH Aachen, Stand Dezember 2004, (2004)
Planung und Bewertung von Dienstleistungsnetzwerken: Grundlagen, Ziele, Anforderungen, Winkelmann, K., and Bömmels Y. , Arbeitspapier, Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung an der RWTH Aachen, Stand Dezember 2004, (2004)
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