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Abkürzung Titel
Developing Performance Monitoring and Analysis Middleware Based on the Network Weather Service [de]
Research in Networked Multimedia Information Services [de]
vLab A Cloud-based Resource and Service Sharing Platform for Computer and Network Security Education
CAREER A Flexible Flow- and Error-Control Protocol-Integration Architecture for Multicast Services Over Mobile Networks
A Formal Framework for Developing and Managing Adaptable Service Oriented Business Collaboration [de]
II-EN A Heterogeneous Networking Test Bed to Support Middleware Services for Pervasive Sensing [de]
SGER A Lightweight Drive-Through Management Service for Internet-enabled Ad-Hoc Networks [de]
A Model for IT Security Outsourcing of Critical Services
CyberCut A Networked Manufacturing Service [de]
A New Formal Framework for Service Oriented Process Communication
A Planning Workshop for NSF Network Information Services Architecture
ContextServ A Platform for Rapid and Flexible Development of Context-Aware Web Services [de]
Quanta A Quality of Service and Adaptive Networking Toolkit for Supporting Advanced Collaborative Environments over Optical Networks [de]
A Research Testbed for Services Based on Logistical Networking
NeTS A SCAFFOLD for Service Centric Networking [de]
A Semantic Caching Service for Wireless Network Centric Environments
A State Estimation Based System for Fault Detection, Fault Isolation and Service Restoration in Power Distribution Networks
A transcolonial history of domestic service in the Asia-Pacific [de]
CAREER A Unified Approach to Quality-of-Service Provisioning in Integrated Services Networks: Traffic Characterization, Resource Manage
ITR A Unified Experimental Testbed to Compare Bandwidth Contract Choices for Differentiated Service Networks
CAREER Accurate and Robust Admission Control in Integrated Services Networks
CAREER Achievable QoS and Scheduling Policies for Integrated Services Wireless Networks
ITR Active Queue Management for Scalable Network Services: Theory and Internet Practice [de]
Adaptive and Scalable Quality of Service Provisioning in Multirate Multicast Networks
CAREER Adaptive Architecture for Multicast Service Support in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Design and Evaluation Framework
Agent-based coordination and negotiation technologies for decentralised service workflow management
Airports of the Future [de]
Algorithmic Analysis and Congestion Control of Connection-Oriented Services in Large Scale Communication Networks
CAREER Algorithms for Services - Oriented Communications Networks
An Integrated Approach for Quality of Service in Cluster Networks
An Investigation of Export Performance Determinants Across Service Types [de]
PlanetLab An Overlay Testbed for Disruptive Network Services [de]
Application Driven Evaluation, Design, and Implementation of Network Services and Resource Sharing Models
Architictures for Digital Multimedia On-Demand Services in Integrated Networks
Balancing the needs of customers and employees following service failure: A dyadic psychosocial approach [de]
BESTNet Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Training Network (BESTNet) [de]
BPM for Traumatology [de]
NeTS-NBD Bridging the 10 GHz / 10 Gbit Gap: Whole-system approaches for scalable networked services [de]
Building ambidextrous capacity in service industries-a cross national s [de]
Serv.biz Business Transformation für hybride Wertschöpfungsnetwerke
Changing modes: A study of the knowledge economy of human service research in Australia [de]
Channel Adaptive Space-Time (CAST) Coding and Processing for Wireless Downlink Packet Services
Characterizing Protocol Interaction in NEWS: A Network Environment Wireless State Service [de]
Children with speech impairment: A population study of prevalence, severity, impact and service provision [de]
EAGER Co-Evolution of Social Service Delivery Networks and Population Dynamics [de]
DENALI Collaborative Research: Scalable Services for the Global Network [de]
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Connectionless Service in ATM Networks [de]
Construction Systems to Reduce Seismic Impacts on Underground Services [de]
Continued Operation of NSFnet Network Services Center
Corporate Governance and the Market for Audit Services
CoRSE Costumer Related Service Engineering
CRC Smart Services: Common Business and Service Frameworks [de]
Cross-Correlated Security and Service Quality in Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks [de]
Customer Rage Spectrum Emotions in Service Failure Encounters: Linking Experience, Expression,Behaviour and Organisational Respo
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Demand for quality-differentiated network services [de]
Design of MIMO Spatial Division Multiple Access Techniques for Multi-User Wireless Data Services
Designing Dynamic Service Networks Effectively through Information Management [de]
Designing for Reliability and Maintainability in Service-Oriented Architectures [de]
NYI Designing Multimedia Services in Future Integrated Networking
Designing Responsive Product and Service Fulfillment Networks using Dynamic Adaptive Modeling [de]
Developing Software Tools and Network Services for Mining Remote and Distributed Data Over High Performance Networks
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ExInnoService Die Synthese von Wissens- und Unternehmensprozessen als Basis eines exportorientierten Innovationsmanagements für Dienstleistungen (Services)
NSS Die Vernetzte Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
NSS Die Vernetzte Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
NSS Die Vernetzte Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
DEXINPRO Dienstleistungsexport mit Industrieprodukten
DL-Standards Dienstleistungsstandards für globale Märkte
Standard:IS Dienstleistungsstandards in erfolgreichen Internationalisierungsstrategien
Directory Services for a Nationwide Network [de]
Distributed Composition Services for Self-Organizing Sensor Network Applications [de]
ESS Dynamic and Stochastic Network Flow Models for Robust Revenue Optimization in Hotel Service Sector [de]
Ecosystem services [de]
Efficient and Fair Traffic Control for a Multi-Service Internet [de]
Efficient Prediction of Application Metrics for E-Services [de]
ITR Efficient Self-Organizing Content Distribution Network for Scalable Video Streaming Services [de]
ITR/SII Energy and Quality of Service Aware Ad-Hoc Networking [de]
Enhancing services to Australian children and families: linking workforce characteristics, job quality, and quality and outcomes [de]
Enterprise Information Infrastructure [de]
ServTyp Entwicklung einer Typologie für Servicekonzepte der Gebrauchsgüterindustrie
StarLog Entwicklung eines Standards zur Klassifizierung, Spezifikation und Bewertung logistischer Dienstleistungen im Wirtschaftsverkehr
ProService Entwicklung von Produktionskonzepten für die Integration von Produkt und produktbegleitender Dienstleistung als Beitrag zur Standortsicherung
Export IT Erfolgsfaktoren der Internationalisierung und Exportfähigkeit von IT-Dienstleistungen
Examining the role of service innovation and service branding capabilities in services firms value creation and appropriation: a [de]
ExFed Export ferngelenkter Dienstleistungen
Extensible Network Services for the Access Grid [de]
Fair Intelligent Quality of Service Control and Path Discovery Mechanisms for Internet Scalable Architectures [de]
Fit2Solve Fit2Solve - Vom Produzenten zum Lösungsanbieter
FlexNet Flexible Informationssystem-Architekturen für hybride Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke
CRI Generic Experimental Networking Infrastructure for Research on Emerging Networks and Services [de]
Genericity in Network Software: Using Type Systems and Formal Methods to Harness Diverse Theories and Calculi for Scalable and S [de]
TecPro Geschäftsmodelle für technologieunterstützte, produktionsnahe Dienstleistungen des Werkzeug- und Formenbaus
TecPro Geschäftsmodelle für technologieunterstützte, produktionsnahe Dienstleistungen des Werkzeug- und Formenbaus
Smart Wheels Geschäftsmodelle und konvergente IKT-Dienste zur Verbreitung von Elektromobilität
Smart Wheels Geschäftsmodelle und konvergente IKT-Dienste zur Verbreitung von Elektromobilität
GRiPSS Gestaltung und Realisierung investiver Produkt-Service Systeme
SBIR Global Correlation Service for Network Security Applications [de]
Global Manufacturing and Service Networks [de]
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vBNS High Performance Connection to the Very High Speed Network Service [de]
High-Speed Integrated Services Communication Networks [de]
Honesty and efficiency in the provision of expert services: doctors and other experts as participants in economic experiments [de]
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PIPE Hybride Wertschöpfung im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
HyDoTre HyDoTre - Doktorandentreffen zur Thematik "Hybride Produkte in Forschung und Praxis"
HyPro HyPro
Immersive Service Interfaces [de]
HyPriCo Implementierung hybrider Produkte durch Preis- und Vertragsgestaltung
Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: Factors that Influence the Use of Research Evidence by Human Service Professionals [de]
Improving Government Policy Making and Needs-Based Delivery of Services: Innovative Techniques to Enhance Administrative Data by [de]
Improving Service Sector Competitiveness [de]
Improving the Robustness of Cluster-based Network Services Using Peer-to-peer Design Principles [de]
SBIR Improving the Robustness of Cluster-based Network Services Using Peer-to-peer Design Principles [de]
IDEE Industrielle Dienstleistungen Erfolgreich Exportieren
Information Health Monitor: An Instrument to Assess the Product and Service Quality of Information [de]
r2b - robot-to-business Informationstechnische Integration teilautonomer, mobiler Maschinen und Prozesse in Geschäfts- und Dienstleistungsmodelle
INVEST-S Innovative produktnahe Dienstleistungen in Kunden-Lieferanten-Netzwerken der Investitionsgüterindustrie
InnoWa-KMU Innovative Wachstumsstrategien für KMU durch produktionsnahe hybride Dienstleistungen
InDiCAP Innovatives Dienstleistungsmodell für die CAM-basierte Produktionsplanung
NMI Instruments and Sensors as Network Services: Instruments as First Class Members of the Grid
Integrated Services Local Area Networks
HyProDesign Integrierte Entwicklung hybrider Produkte
HyProDesign Integrierte Entwicklung hybrider Produkte
SmartWert Integrierter Preisfindungsprozess im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
ITR Intelligent Networks for Resilient Web Services [de]
International content management: a new service industry for New Zealand [de]
InProDi Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch komplementäre Produkt- und Dienstleistungsentwicklung
Investigating a classroom simulation designed to support pre-service teacher decision making in planning and implementing litera [de]
Investigating the Individuality/Scalability Tradeoff in the Provision of Networked Services
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ServKon Konfiguration von Produkt-Service Systemen im Nutzfahrzeugbereich
ServKon Konfiguration von Produkt-Service Systemen im Nutzfahrzeugbereich
KMiDL Kostenmanagement in der Entwicklung von industriellen Dienstleistungen in der Antriebstechnik
KorServ Kundennutzenorientierte Entwicklung, Bewertung und Vermarktung von Leistungsbündeln
SBIR Large-Scale Social Network Analysis Software Services for the Telecommunications Industry [de]
MSCO Logistikkonzept zur Optimierung des Ersatzteilmanagements in der Instandhaltung
Mind-Bau Management der Integration von Dienstleistungen und Produktion im Baugewerbe (Managing the integration of services and production in the construction industry)
Managing IT Service Provision and Sourcing in Australia, 2010-2019 [de]
CAREER Markets for Network Services
Maximising the conservation of biodiversity and the delivery of ecosystem services: What to do, where and when [de]
MeDiNa Medizintechnik für ganzheitliche telemedizinische Dienstleistungen in der häuslichen Nachsorge
Megha: Utility-Oriented Federation of Cloud Computing Environments for Scaling of Application Services [de]
Pro Dienst Methodik zur Integration Produktionsorientierter Dienstleistungen in Unternehmensstrategie und Wertschöpfungsstrukturen für die Zerspanungstechnik
MACS Mobile Automotive Cooperative Services
Modelling IT Alignment in Multi-Business Service Organisations [de]
Modelling Payments for Environmental Services on Indigenous held lands [de]
Modelling the Internet as a Geographical System
MoveOn Moderne Dienstleistungen durch innovative Organisationsprozesse
MARIS Modulare Architekturen und Assessments für die systematische Internationalisierung von Serviceangeboten
MARIS Modulare Architekturen und Assessments für die systematische Internationalisierung von technischen Dienstleistungen
Multi-Channel Content Delivery and Mobile Personalisation [de]
NeTS-NR:Bootstrapping Broad-Coverage Network Services [de]
NetSe Network Data Services for Exposure Biology Studies in Natural Environments [de]
Network Information Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and the NREN
Network Information Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and the NREN
Network Interface Support for High-Performance and Scalable Communication Services in Clusters
CAREER Network Samaritans (NETSAM): Network-Assisted Service for the Internet
CERT Network Service Provider and Infrastructure Initiative
ITR Networking Urban Ecological Models Through Distributed Services
NeTS-NR Networks with Extended Quality of Service using Service Vectors
New Media Services [de]
Next Generation Reference Process Models [de]
Next Generation Ubiquitous Service Spaces [de]
Object-based Video Compression for Delay-Insensitive Services
OSS One-Stop Services für die weltweite industrielle Produktion
Ontology-based Studies of Process Modelling [de]
OpenFactory OpenFactory: Auftragsabwicklung in der Supply Chain
Ogemo.net Optimale Geschäftsmodelle für hybride Produkte in kooperativen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken
Packet Network Architecture and Prorocols for Video Services
Personal Communication Services/Wireless Networks: European Survey and Basic Research
Personalisation [de]
ServNET Planung und Bewertung von Dienstleistungsnetzwerken kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen der Investitionsgüterindustrie
Positive Externalities and Complementarities in Networked Services
NetSE Privacy-Preserving Information Network and Services for Healthcare Applications [de]
Pro bono service: drivers, delight, dark side and downside for the professional [de]
Producer Services Growth and the Development of Corporate Complex Networks in U.S. Metropolitan Regions
IDproBlech Produktionsnahe integrierte Dienstleistungen in der Prozesskette Blechverarbeitung
ServDEA Produktivitätsbenchmarking industrieller Dienstleistungen: Entwicklung und Evaluation von Adaptionen der DEA
KoProServ Produktivitätssteigerung durch komponentenbasierte Dienstleistungen
poDLE produktorientierte Dienstleistungsentwicklung
ProPro Projektmanagement für produktionsnahe Dienstleistungen
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Protocol to Support Real-Time Video Teleconferencing on Integrated Services Digital Network
Providing End-to-End Quality of Service to Internet Applications [de]
CAREER Providing Interactive VOD Services in Multicast Networks
Provision by THEnet of NSFnet Regional Network Services
Proxy Services in Wide Area Networks
ITR/SY QoS-Aware Execution Environments for Multi-tier Network Services
Quality of Service (QoS) Provisioning in InfiniBand Architecture for System Area Networks
Quality of Service Guarantees in High Speed Networks [de]
Quality of Service-based Scheduling of e-Research Application Workflows on Global Grids [de]
Quality-of-Service-Based Adaptive Coding for Wireless Communications Networks
Raising the Internet's Quality of Service through improved congestion management [de]
Rapidly Locating Items in Distribution Networks with Process-Driven Nodes [de]
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Research in Networked Multimedia Information Services-Duet Server Deployment Additions [de]
CISE Research Instrumentation: Wireless Networks for Delivery of Multimedia Services
ITR Resource Allocation and Denial of Service Prevention in Active Networks [de]
RIA Resource Allocation in Multiple Service, Multiple Resource Communication Networks
Resource Virtualization for Cluster-Based Network Storage Service [de]
r2b Robot to Business: Informationstechnische Integration teilautonomer Prozesse und mobiler Maschinen in Geschäfts- und Dienstleistungen.
SENSORS Robust Event Services for Emergency Response in Sensor Networks [de]
Routing, Wavelength Assignment, Dimensioning and Performance of Optical Networks with Multicast Service [de]
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Scalable Composition and Deployment of Business-to-Business Web-based E-Services [de]
ITR Scalable Edge Router for Differentiated Services Networks [de]
Digital Campus Scalable Information Services on a Campus-wide Wireless Network
ITR Scalable Services for the Global Network [de]
CAREER Scalable, Robust and Secure Group-Oriented Services for Wireless Mesh Networks
Secure Virtually Isolated Networks to Avoid and Tolerate Denial of Service [de]
Security Services for Stream-Oriented and Multicast-Based Communication
Security Services in Open Telecommunications Networks
Security Services in Open Telecommunications Networks [de]
CAREER Self-Organization Services and Application Support Constructs for Sensor Networks
Service Chain Service Chain Management in industriellen Wertschöpfungsketten
Service Delivery Framework [de]
Service Ecosystems Management for Collaborative Process Improvement [de]
RIA Service Provisioning, Flow Control, and Robustness [de]
Services 2020 [de]
SoCS Signal Processing and Information Theoretic Approaches to Denoising and Demystifying Social Network Services [de]
Software for the Extraction, Management, Transmission and Sharing of Information; and Formal Methods in the Software Process [de]
ITR Stateless Quality of Service Routing in IP Networks
Strategic Archetypes, Knowledge Management Practices and Knowledge Processes in the Provision of Assurance and Consulting Servic [de]
SInProD Strategien der Integration von Produkten und Dienstleistungen in der Bauindustrie
Supporting Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [de]
ServSYS Systematik zur Bewirtschaftung von Dienstleistungen
SPRINT Systematisches Design zur Integration von Produkt und Dienstleistung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft
NSDL Technical Network Services: A Cyberinfrastructure Platform for STEM Education
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The burden of epilepsy study: Impact on well-being, service use and economic outcomes [de]
The Global Governance of Tax and Financial Services: Who Regulates, Who Wins, Who Loses [de]
The Impact of Customer-Focused Business Strategies on Organisational Performance in a Professional Service Context
INBOUNDS The Integrated Network-Based Ohio University Network Detective Service [de]
The meaning of work, well-being and the changing terms, times and spaces of service sector job [de]
The Networked Service Society [de]
The new services industry model: Implications for audio-visual media [de]
The OCKHAM Library Network, Integrating the NSDL into Traditional Library Services
The social network antecedents and performance outcomes of service innovation [de]
Timed Commitment Schemes to Smooth Internet Bottlenecks, Defend against Denial of Service Attacks, and Bypass Some Legal Problem [de]
NeTS-NEDG Toward Service Predictability under Uncertain Resource Availability in 802.11 Like Networks [de]
Toward the Regulation of the Location-Based Services Industry: Influencing Australian Government Telecommunications Policy [de]
Towards Community Services: Putting Parallel Network Services On-line [de]
Towards high quality, healthy, comfortable and affordable indoor environments. A comprehensive model to assess products and serv [de]
EAGER Towards increasing the usage of new high-speed network services by the scientific community [de]
RIA Traffic Control Algorithms for Integrated Services Networks with Deterministic Performance Guarantees [de]
Triggered Strategies in Wireless Networks with Multiple Calls, Multiple Channel Services and Multiple-Level QoS Degradations [de]
Trust-enhanced recommender systems for personalised government-to-business e-service [de]
Unifying Events and Threads: Language Support for Network Services [de]
Very High Speed Backbone Network Services Provider for NSFNET and the NREN (SM) Program
Video Services and ATM Based BISDN Networks [de]
Virtual Networking - Enabling Innovation in Networks and Services [de]
Virtual Networking - Enabling Network Service Innovation [de]
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NANUSO Wachstumsfördernde Dienstleistungen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von hochwertigen Sondermaschinen
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Wisconsin Science Education Service Centers Network Project [de]
ServPay Zahlungsbereitschaften für Geschäftsmodelle produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen