Empathic Service Systems: ‘Designing’ Emotion in a Cancer Care Service System
This paper focuses on the ‘design’ of emotional wellbeing in a cancer care service system. There is little or no scholarly understanding of the concept of emotion in service systems discourse. Yet, emotion is often referred to in service systems research; scholars have pointed out the need to create long-term emotional bonds with customers, for example. However, little or no attempt has been made to define or understand in detail the complex concept of emotion. To address this deficiency, we draw on psychology and social theory to construct a theoretical framework of emotion and put it to work in an empirical case study of a Maggie’s Centre in London. The questions addressed are - how do designers interpret, understand, and transform user emotion(al wellbeing). Put another way, how is emotional wellbeing ‘designed’ in a service system? This research result was described by Sanja Tumbas (5. July 2011 - 10:27) This research result was last edited by Sanja Tumbas (13. November 2011 - 18:52) |
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