'You Got E-Government?' A Quantitative Analysis of Social In- and Exclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery |
10 Thesen zur Entwicklung und Erbringung produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen (Erhebung) [en] |
A Business Model for Collaborative Commerce Marketplace |
A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Public Value of e-Government: A Case Study from Sri Lanka |
A Conceptual Model for IT-enabled Enterprise Risk Management in Financial Organisations |
A Design Research Study Enhancing Creativity – The Case of Developing Product-service Bundles |
A Formal Model for Electronic and Mobile Government Service Delivery Success Factors |
A Framework for Analysing Service Ecosystem Capabilities to Innovate |
A Framework for Developing Personalizeable Mobile Services in Automobiles |
A Hybrid Framework for Automated and Adaptive e-Business Platforms |
A Lifecycle Approach towards Business Rules Management |
A Logistic Regression Analysis to Examine Factors Affecting Broadband Adoption in the UK |
A Model of Preference Elicitation: The Case of Distributed Resource Allocation |
A Multi-Tier Negotiation Protocol for Logistics Service Chains |
A Preliminary Decision Model for Shared Services: Insights from an Australian University |
A S-D Logic Based Approach to Input-Output Analysis for Technology Spillover |
A Transaction Cost Theoretical Analysis of Software-As-A-Service (Saas)-Based Sourcing in SMBs And Enterprises |
A Value Flow Model for the Evaluation of an E-Learning Service |
About Appropriation of Mobile Applications: The Applicability of Structural Features and Spirit |
Acceptance Problems Of Ambient Intelligence And Mobile Technologies In Hospitals In India And Germany |
Adapting Soft Systems Methodology for Strategic Information Systems Planning: An Action Research Study in a Non-Profit Organisation in Australia |
Aligning Information Systems Development with Service Orientation: The Service Oriented Systems Model |
All Part of the Service? Addressing Data Longevity in Service Oriented Architectures |
An Empirical Exploration of Requirements Engineering for Hybrid Products |
An Evaluation Framework for e-Government Services Based on Principles Laid Out in COBIT, the ISO 9000 Standard, and TAM |
An Event-Driven Approach to Dynamic Situation Detection |
An Exploratory Investigation of Critical Success Factors in Wireless Field Force Automation Projects |
An Integrative Model of Consumer’s Adoption of RFID Credit Card Service |
An Ontology for Mobile Situation Oriented Systems |
An Ontology-Based Natural Language Service Discovery Engine – Design and Experimental Evaluation |
An Ontology-based Service Discovery Approach for the Provisioning of Product-Service Bundles |
Analysing Business Models for Cross Border E-Services Provided by the Chambers of Commerce |
Analysis of E-Learning Implementation Cost Pools |
Angebot und Relevanz von produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen in der Bauindustrie (Empirische Studie) [en] |
Assessing the Impacts of IS Offshoring: Preliminary Conclusions Questioning the Validity of Cultural Consideration |
Ausprägungen der hybriden Wertschöpfung in KMU (Erhebung) [en] |
Automatische Beantwortung funktionaler Leistungsanfragen [en] |
Barriers for Transformation: Impediments for Transforming the Public Sector through Egovernment |
Barriers to IT-Driven Governmental Transformation |
Best-Practises für den Export von IT-Dienstleistungen [en] |
Betreibermodelle für eine flexible temporäre Automatisierung von Montageaufgaben durch mobile Robotertechnologie [en] |
Bewertung von Modellierungssprachen aus Sicht der hybriden Wertschöpfung [en] |
Beziehungsmanagement für B2B-Kundenlösungen [en] |
Bid Price Control and Dynamic Pricing in Clouds |
Bridging the “Front Stage” and “Back Stage” in Service System Design |
Building Leadership for Life Cycle Business Transition by Hybrid Innovation |
Case Studies zum Solution Selling [en] |
Co-Creation in Business Service Lifecycle Management |
Collaborative Continuous Service Engineering |
Collaborative Sourcing – The Motivation and Design of Demand Side Combinations |
Comparing Coordination Arrangements Enabled by Web Services and Web Service Orchestration Technology |
Competition of Service Marketplaces - Designing Growth in Service Networks |
Conceptualisation and Facilitation of SOA Governance |
Configurative Service Engineering -A Rule-Based Configuration Approach for Versatile Service Processes in Corrective Maintenance |
Conjoint Analyse for assessing a customer's willingness to pay for customer solution |
Consumer Acceptance of Third Generation Mobile Value-added Services: A Survey of Hong Kong Consumer Perceptions |
Consumer Choice Model of Mobile Banking |
Cooperative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) In Alpine Destinations |
Coopetition Based Interaction Design for Optimal Customer Attraction |
Coordinating Service Composition |
Coordination Theory |
CoRSE - Customer Related Service Engineering |
Cost-effective Firm Investments in Customer Information Privacy |
Critical Success Factors for Wireless Hospital Bed Management Systems: The Case of MARGE |
Cultural Influences on IS Service Quality Perceptions |
CurLy - Customer related Service Life Cycle |
Customer Service: the key to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and market share |
Den Wettbewerb aktiv gestalten. Ein Leitfaden für Unternehmen zum Ausbau produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen [en] |
Der wahrgenommene Wert hybrider Produkte [en] |
Design Criteria for Public E-Services |
Design Factors for Service-oriented Architecture Applied to Analytical Information Systems: an Explorative Analysis |
Design of Service Systems under Variability: Research Issues |
Design Options for Service Directories in Business Networks |
Design Rules for User-Oriented IT Service Description |
Determinants of Customer Loyalty in China C2C eCommerce: From a Social Network Perspective |
Determinants of Grid Assimilation in the Financial Services Industry - An Institutional Theory Perspective |
Determining Appropriate Modes for Service Trade from Value Chain and Value Co-creation Perspectives |
Developing a Model for Government Service Delivery Through Intelligent Support Systems (ISS) |
Developing Public E-Services for Several Stakeholders – A Multifaceted View of The Needs for an E-Service |
Developing the Electronic Service Acceptance Model from Internet Securities Trading System |
Dienstleistungs-Check auf Standardisierbarkeit [en] |
Dienstleistungsstandards in Internationalisierungsstrategien - Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung [en] |
Diffusion of E-Government Services in Australia: Citizens' Perspectives |
DIN SPEC 1001: Lager- und Transportlogistik - Standardisierte Leistungsdefinition und -bewertung in der Angebotsphase [en] |
DIN-Fachbericht 75 "Service Engineering - Entwicklungsbegleitende Normung für Dienstleistungen [en] |
Does the Answer Lie in Collaboration? - A Case Study on e-Government and Societal Aging |
Does the Answer Lie in Collaboration? - A Case Study on e-Government and Societal Aging |
E-fulfilment Systems for Quality Healthcare Delivery: A New Construct for Visualising and Designing |
E-Government in the Making: Socio-Economic Development in the Akshaya Project |
E3-Service - A Model-Based Approach for Generating Needs-Driven E-Service Bundles in a Networked Enterprise |
Economic Integration, IT Intensity and the Aggregate Economic Impacts of IT Services Offshoring |
Ein Beitrag zur systematischen Entwicklung produktorientierter Dienstleistungen [en] |
Empathic Service Systems: ‘Designing’ Emotion in a Cancer Care Service System |
Empirical Comparison of Methods for Information Systems Development According to SOA |
Empirical Evaluation of a Service Analysis and Design Methodology |
Empirically Testing a Model for the Intention of Firms to use Remote Application Hosting |
Empirische Erhebung im Umfeld der Sozialpartner [en] |
Empirische Untersuchung zur Zahlungsbereitschaft für produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen in der Baubranche [en] |
Enabling the Transfer of Information Technology Support Knowledge to Enterprise Customers Using Web-based Self-service Systems: Critical Success Factors from the Support Organisation Perspective |
Enhancing Best Practice in Public Health: Using Process Patterns for Business Process Management |
Enhancing Customer Experience within the Mobile Telecommunications Industry |
Enterprise Fraud Management Using Cloud Computing: A Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework |
Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Modellierung von Dienstleistungsnetzwerken [en] |
Erfolgsfaktoren für hybride Wertschöpfungsnetze [en] |
Essential structure for the description of services in the procurement stage |
Evaluating IT Services Price Benchmarks under Uncertainty |
Evaluation of Future Mobile Services Based on the Technology Acceptance Model |
Ex-ante-Checkliste zur Analyse von Kundenanforderungen [en] |
Ex-ante-Kalkulationsmodell zur mittel- bis langfrisigen Budgetkalkulation für den Dienstleistungsexport [en] |
Ex-ante-Marktbewertungstool für den Dienstleistungsexport [en] |
Exchange Design Patters for Electronic Intermediaries |
Expertenbefragung Servicemanagement [en] |
Exploring the Characteristics of Mobile Data Service Users in Australia |
Exploring the Impact of Fit Between Context Factors and Pricing Model Choice on the Success of IT Outsourcing Mega-Deals |
Facilitating Operational Control of Business Services: A Method for Analysing and Structuring Customer Integration |
Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty to Application Service Providers in Different Levels of Relationships |
Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption of E-Government: A Review and Critical Assessment |
Framework für die "Artefaktschaffende Forschung" (Design Science) in Dienstleistungen / hybride Leistungsbündel [en] |
Framework of a Process Laboratory for the Operational Control of Service Processes |
From “Take-It-Or-Leave-It” Offers to “Take-It-Or-Beleft- Out” Ultimatum - A Trade Mechanism for Online Services |
Gaining the World and Losing the Soul? Trust Change in Electronic Government |
Ganzheitliche Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung zur Integration hybrider Leistungen [en] |
Generating Service Value Webs by Hierarchical Configuration: A Case in Intellectual Property Rights Clearing |
Generative Mechanisms for Innovation in Information Infrastructures |
Geschäftsmodelle für den Informationskreislauf zwischen Produzent und Dienstleister(n) [en] |
Geschäftsmodelle für teleservicegestützte hybride Produkte [en] |
Gestaltung von Entwicklungsprozessen, Rahmenbedingungen und Organisation bei technischen Dienstleistern [en] |
Groupsona: A Method for Discovering the Needs of Social Interaction Embedded Services |
Handlungs- und Moderationskonzept zur Internationalisierung von KMU-Ingenieurdienstleistungen auf Basis eines Vorgehensmodells [en] |
How German Hospitals Govern It - An Empirical Exploration |
Hybride Wertschöpfung durch Übertragung ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Ansätze auf neue Anwendungsfelder [en] |
Hybride Wertschöpfung: Zukunft industrieller Wertschöpfung [en] |
Idealtypische Organisationskonzepte für Solution Seller – eine explorative Analyse [en] |
Identification of Services - A Stakeholder-Based Approach to SOA Development and its Application in the Area of Production Plan |
Identification of Web-Services in Product-Service-Systems |
Impacts of Logistics Service Performance through IT on Overall Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty |
Implementing Centralised IT Service Management: Drawing Lessons from the Public Sector |
Implementing Views on Business Semantics - Model-based Configuration of Business Documents |
Improving Data Quality of Health Information Systems: A Holistic Design- Oriented Approach |
Improving Service Through Just-in-Time Concept in a Dynamic Operational |
Incorporating Willingness-To-Pay Data into Online Recommendations for Value-Added Services |
InDiCAP-Artefakt [en] |
Information Needs in Service Systems – A Framework for Integrating Service and Manufacturing Business Processes |
Innovationsfaehigkeit industrieller Dienstleistungen in Organisationsformen jenseits der Hierarchie [en] |
Innovative Capability Development Process: A Singapore IT Healtcare Case Study |
Innovative Erlösmodelle für hybride Leistungsbündel [en] |
Integrated e-Government Systems: Unintended Impacts for Those at the Margins |
Integrated Navigation on Multidimensional Information Spaces (INOMIS) |
Integrating Value-Adding Mobile Services into an Emergency Management System for Tourist Destinations |
Integrierter Preisfindungsprozess im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau [en] |
Intelligent Decision Support Systems and Neurosimulators: A Promising Alliance for Financial Services Providers |
Internationales Servicemarketing - Die neue Dimension im industriellen Wettbewerb [en] |
Internationalisierung produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen [en] |
INVEST-S - Innovative produktnahe Dienstleistungen in Kunden-Lieferanten-Netzwerken [en] |
Investitionsgüterhersteller als Anbieter industrieller Lösungen – Bestandsaufnahme des Wandels anhand einer Umfrage [en] |
IS Offshoring: A Proposed Maturity Model of Offshore IS Suppliers |
Is there a Viable Future for Residential IP-Telephony Users? Exploring Providers’ and End-users’ Perspectives |
Iseller - A Generic and Hybrid Recommendatio System for Interactive Selling Scenarios |
ISPs’ Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Southern Region of Malaysia |
IT Empowerment or Exclusion? The Dilemma of Online Government Advisory Services |
IT Impacts on Operation-Level Agility in Service Industries |
IT Service Management Improvement – Actor Network Perspective |
IT-Enabled Change into the Structures of Health Information Systems in Africa: A Case Study in Kenya |
ITIL and the Creation of Benefits: An Empirical Study on Benefits, Challenges and Processes |
Key Requirements for a Context-Aware Service Marketplace: An Expert’s Perspective |
Knowledge Management Challenges for Nongovernment Organizations: The Health and Disability Sector in New Zealand |
Knowledge Process Outsourcing: Identfying Potential Research Agenda based on Industry Trends |
Konfiguratives Referenzmodell für Dienstleistungsprozesse in der Instandhaltung bzw. -setzung [en] |
Konfigurator zur Angebotsbestimmung und Kalkulation [en] |
Kopplungseffekte bei der Erstellung hybrider Produkte - Entwurf eines Referenz-Produktdatenmodells für hybride Bauprodukte [en] |
Kosten- und Zielkostenrechnung für hybride Leistungen [en] |
Kostentechnische Bewertung hybrider Produkte in der Baubranche [en] |
LCC-Navigator - Kalkulationssoftware für die Lebenszykluskosten einer Werkzeugmaschine [en] |
Learning Service Experience from the Service Encounter of a Retailing Chain Storefront |
Lebenszyklusorientierte Anforderungsermittlung an hybride Leistungen [en] |
Leitfaden für Betreiber und Hersteller zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von hochwertigen Sondermaschinen [en] |
Leitfaden für die Organisationsentwicklung beim strategischen Wandel vom Produzenten zum globalen Anbieter von Problemlösungen [en] |
Making Money with Clouds: Revenue Optimization Through Automated Policy Decisions |
Managing E-Government Projects: A Comparative Case Study of Two Inter- Organizational E-Service Development Initiatives |
Managing the Current Customization of Process Related IT-Services |
Managing Uncertainty in Service Production with Mobile Systems - Case Waste Management Company |
Managing Vendor Contracts in Public Sector I.T.: A Case Study on the UK National Health Service |
Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements – Towards Individualized On-Demand Services |
Measurement of e-Service Quality: An Empirical Study on Online Travel Service |
MetaMIS - Designing Reporting Systems |
Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building |
Methode zur Entwicklung, Erprobung gund Bewertung von Mobile Automotive Cooperative Services [en] |
Methode zur Messung von Kundenpräferenzen für produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen [en] |
Methode zur zweistufigen Messung der Zahlungsbereitschaft für hybride Produkte [en] |
Methodenbaukasten zur Unterstützung einer internen Standardisierung von Dienstleistungen [en] |
Methodik für den systematischem Transfer von technischen Dienstleistungen auf neuen Märkten im Ausland [en] |
Mobile Enhancement of Care Work |
Mobile Services for Vehicles |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung - Eine Vergleichsstudie zu Modellierungstechniken [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit dem modellbasierten Service Systems Engineering [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit dem Molecular Model (MM) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit dem Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit den Modellierungstechniken der Unified Modeling Language (UML) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit den Modellierungstechniken des Service Blueprinting [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit der Architektur integrierter Informationssysteme (ARIS) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit der Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit der produktorientierten Dienstleistungsentwicklung (poDLE) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit der Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit EXPRESS-G und STEP [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit H2-ServPay [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit SAKAOS Service-Repräsentation [en] |
Modellierung der hybriden Wertschöpfung mit SeeMe [en] |
Modellierungssprache zur Definition, Konfiguration und wirtschaftlichen Bewertung hybrider Leistungsbündel - ServPay [en] |
Modelling Exploratory Analysis Processes for eResearch |
Morphologischer Kasten zu Ausgestaltungsformen hybrider Leistungsbündel [en] |
MoSES - Baukastensystem für modulare Dienstleistungen [en] |
Moving Toward a Service Metaphor for Describing, Evaluating, and Designing Systems |
Multi-Method Approach to Guide Design and Use of ICT Infrastructure Services |
myOpenFactory - Standardisierung im überbetrieblichen Datenaustausch [en] |
Nachhaltigkeitseffekte hybrider Leistungsbündel [en] |
Nähere Betrachtung der Kompetenzen für die Preis- und Vertragsgestaltung [en] |
NFC Based Service Innovation in Retail: An Explorative Study |
Nutzenorientierte Vermarktung von Leistungsbündeln [en] |
Old Theory and New Service Quality: An Exploratory Study of the Nature and Nomological Net of Online Service Quality and Continu |
On Business Services Representation – The 3 x 3 x 3 Approach |
Online Government Advice: How to Succeed |
Online Resumes: Optimizing Design to Service Recruiters |
Online Service Delivery Models – An International Comparison in the Public Sector |
Ontological Services Using Crowdsourcing |
Open Innovation Success or Failure – The Impact of Contextual Factors |
Ordnungsrahmen der hybriden Wertschöpfung [en] |
Ordnungsrahmen der PSS-Entwicklungsmethodik [en] |
Ordnungsrahmen für Lebenszyklusorienitierte Planung im Faciltity Management [en] |
Organisationsformen für industrielle Services [en] |
Organizational Learning for Incident Management Process: Lessons from High Reliability Organizations |
PAS 1090: Anforderungen an Informationssysteme zur Erhebung, Kommunikation und Bereitstellung relevanter Serviceinformationen im [en] |
PAS 1091: Schnittstellenspezifikationen zur Integration von Sach- und Dienstleistung [en] |
Personal Health Manager [en] |
Personal Mobile Sports Companion: Design and Evaluation of IT-Supported Product-Service-Bundles in the Sports Industry |
Personalized Marketing Messages in an Online Banking Context: Does Anybody Notice? |
Phasenmodell zur Transformation eines Unternehmens zum Solution Selller [en] |
Positive and Negative Findings of the ISO/IEC 17799 Framework |
Power Control to the People? Private Consumers’ Acceptance of Smart Meters |
Predominantly Electronic or Personal Service Delivery? A Case in The Wealth Management Context |
Preisstrategien für integrierte Produkt-Dienstleistungspakete in der Praxis [en] |
Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie [en] |
Product-Service Systems - Value Creation by Integrating Goods and Services |
Product-Service Systems and Sustainability [en] |
Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: An ERP-based Concept |
Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen bei Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes und des Dienstleistungssektors (Erhebung 2002) [en] |
Property-Rights-Theorie [en] |
Proposing a Business Model Framework for the e-Newspaper Introduction |
Providing Spontaneous WLAN Guest Access as a Mobile Value Added Service |
Provisioning of Service Mashup Topologies |
Questioning the Use of Opaque Web Practices among Low-cost Airline Carriers |
Recognising the Need for a Context Sensitive Decision Making Framework for Cosourcing – A Case Study in the Financial Service Sector |
Reconceptualising the Information System as a Service (Research in Progress) |
Reference Models and Modeling Languages for Product-Service Systems – Status-Quo and Perspectives for Further Research |
Referenzmodell für den Service in Unternehmen des Maschinenbaus [en] |
Referenzmodell für einen IT-gestützten mobilen Gesundheitscoach [en] |
Reifegradmodell der kundenorientierten Dienstleistungsentwicklung [en] |
Reifegradmodell für das Solution Selling [en] |
Relevanz des Solution Selling in Theorie und Praxis [en] |
Requirements analysis for product related services |
Risk-Based Decision Support in Service Value Networks |
Risk-Reward Sharing in IT Service Contracts – A Service System View |
Role-Based Access Control for Information Federations in the Industrial Service Sector |
Rolle von Standards bei der Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungsunternehmen [en] |
Selbstorganisationsansatz [en] |
Selecting Critical Processes for a Six Sigma Project – Experiences from an Automotive Bank |
Selecting Web Services and Participants for Enforcing Workflow Access Control |
Semantic Interoperability Conflicts in Pan-European Public Services |
Semi-Automated Provisioning and Usage of Configurable Web Services |
ServCheck - Diagnosetool zur Ermittlung von Verbesserungspotenzialen im Service [en] |
Service Analysis - A Critical Assessment of The State of the Art |
Service Co-Creation with the Customer: the Role of Information Systems |
Service Scenarios - A Socio-Technical Approach to Business Service Modeling |
Service Systems as Customer-Intensive Systems and its Implications for Service Science and Engineering |
Service-FMEA - Methode zur Professionalisierung der Serviceorganisation [en] |
Service-Innovationen in der Industrie [en] |
Service-Navigator [en] |
Service-Oriented Architectures: Modeling the Selection of Services and Platforms |
Service-oriented Resource Management |
ServLab - Plattform zur Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Dienstleistungen [en] |
SInProD - Anbieterbefragung [en] |
Smart Home: Aligning Business Models and Providers Processes; A Case Survey |
SMS - Push First and Then Students Will Pull Administrative Information in Higher Education? |
SOA Adoption in Business Networks –Does SOA Live up to High Expectations? |
SOA Adoption in Practice - Findings from Early SOA Implementations |
Social Factors Influencing the Information Security Maturity of Malaysian Public Service Organisation: An Empirical Analysis |
Software H2-ServPay: Definition, Konfiguration, Bewertung und Weiterentwicklung modularer hybrider Leistungsbündel [en] |
Software support for assessing a customer's willingness to pay for customer solutions |
Software-gestütztes integriertes Ressourcenmanagement für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau [en] |
Solution SelfAssess-Werkzeug [en] |
Solution Selling für KMUs [en] |
Status quo der Dienstleistungsstandardisierung (Erhebung) [en] |
Success Factors in the Introduction of Standard Software in Core Processes of Banks |
Supporting Information Needs of Senior Citizens in Community Aged Care |
Supporting Moderators of Company Networks by an Optimization Service for Orchestration |
Systemtheoretische Fundierung des Begriffs "Hybride Wertschöpfung" [en] |
Terminologie zur Klassifizierung, Spezifikation und Bewertung logistischer Dienstleistungen im Wirtschaftsverkehr [en] |
Testing and Validating a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating the Public Value of e-Government Using Structural Equation Modelling |
The (Missing?) Value of IT in Public Organizations – The Case Of the Swedish Rescue Services |
The Adoption of Mobile Commerce Services by Individuals: A Current State of the Literature |
The Business Intelligence Competence Centre as an Interface Between It and User Departments in Maintenance and Release Development |
The Business Perspective of Cloud Computing: Actors, Roles, and Value Networks |
The Chiasmus of Design: Paradoxical Outcomes in the E-Government Reform of UK Children’s Services |
The Concept of Solution Selling: Theoretical Considerations and Methods |
The Critical Issues about Deploying RFID in Healthcare Industry by service perspective |
The Design and Success of Shared Services Centres |
The Design of An Accountability Framework for Service Engineering |
The Development and Test of a Relationship Model on System Use, Job Learning, and Impact |
The Economics of Service Level Engineering |
The Effects Of Communities Of Practice On The Success Of An Expert Recommending Service |
The Impact of Distractions on the Usability and the Adoption of Mobile Devices for Wireless Data Services |
The Impact of Mobile Computing in the Performance Evaluation of Emergency Medical Services: An Australian Case Study |
The Impact of Service-Oriented Architecture on Business Networkability |
The Moderating Role of Customer-Technology Contact on Attitude towards Technology-Based Services |
The Rise of ICT for Commerce in Small Product Offerings Case studies from India |
The Risks of Sourcing Software as a Service – An Empirical Analysis of Adopters and Non-adopters |
The Service System is the Basic Abstraction of Service Science |
The Sleeping Giant – A Longitudinal Study Surveying the Mobile Service Market in Finland |
The Unaspected Destiny of a Collaborative E-Marketplace: The Agriok Case |
Toward a Ubiquitous Personalized Daily-Life Activity Recommendation Service with Contextual Information: A Services Science Pers |
Towards a Framework for Evaluating Immersive Business Models: Evaluating Service Innovations in Second Life |
Towards a Service Governance Framework for the Internet of Services |
Towards a Service Portfolio Management Framework |
Towards A Set of Requirements for A Holistic IT Solution Engineering Approach |
Towards an Abbreviated COBIT Framework for Use in an Australian State Public Sector |
Towards Global Service Quality Dimensions: an Exploration of Commonality in Service Quality Measurement across Industries |
Towards Logistics Exception Prioritisation: Ontological Approach |
Towards Model-based Assessment of Business-IT Alignment in E-Service Networks from Multiple Perspectives |
Towards Providing Lightweight Access to Legacy Applications as Cloud-Based Services |
Towards Service Engineering: Service Orientation and Business-IT Alignement |
Towards Understanding the Sources of the Economic Potential of SOA: Findings from the Automotive and Banking Industry |
Transaktionskostentheorie [en] |
Transformationsprozess zum Solution Seller [en] |
Transformationsprozess zum Solution Seller: Herausforderung Markenmanagement [en] |
Transformationsprozess zum Solution Seller: Herausforderung Vertriebs- und Change-Management [en] |
Transforming IT Service Management – the ITIL Impact |
Trust Indicator Modeling for a Reputation Service in Virtual Organizations |
Typologie für Servicekonzepte der Gebrauchsgüterindustrie [en] |
Typologie hybrider Wertschöpfungsformen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau [en] |
Übersicht zu Innovationen in der Industrie (Erhebung) [en] |
Übersicht zu Innovationen in der Produktion (Erhebung) [en] |
Under-representation in SLAs for Global IT-centric Services |
Understanding Citizens' Behavioural Intention in The Adoption of E-Government Services in the State of Qatar |
Understanding Consumer Recommendation Behavior in a Mobile Phone Service Context |
Understanding Knowledge Transfer in Web-based B2B IT Support |
Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Data Services: A Value Perspective |
Understanding the Antecedents and Consequences of E-Government Service Quality: Transactional Frequency as a Moderator Of Citize |
Understanding the Key Drivers in User Loyalty Toward Mobile Data Services |
Understanding the Manifold Forms of B2b Integration - A Transaction Cost Perspective |
Use of Colored Petri Nets to Model, Analyze and Evaluate Service Composition and Orchestaration |
User Perceived Requirements for a Mobile Accounting Information System |
User Perceived Service Quality of mHealth Servies in Developing Countries |
Using Institutionalism as a Lens to Examine ITIL Adoption and Diffusion |
Using Process Models for the Design of Service-Oriented Architecture: Methodology and E-Commerce Case Study |
Validation of a Generic Service Governance Meta Model based on the Comparison of Major Governance Frameworks |
Valuating Business Process Flexibility achieved through an Alternative Execution Path |
Value Potential and Challenges of Service-Oriented Architectures - a User and Vendor Perspective |
Values and M-Services Adoption |
VE - Variety Engineering Method [en] |
Vergleich von Methoden zur Produkt und Dienstleistungsmodellierung in der Baubranche [en] |
Vergleich von Reifegradmodellen für die hybride Wertschöpfung [en] |
Vermarktung von Lösungen - Eine personalwirtschaftliche Perspektive [en] |
Victorian Local Government Websites: Tracking Information Provision and e-Service |
Vorgehensmodell zum konfigurativen Service Engineering hybrider Leistungsbündel [en] |
Vorgehensmodell zur Planung industrieller Dienstleistungsprogramme [en] |
Vorgehensmodell zur Weiterentwicklung zum hybriden Leistungsanbieter [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Hybride Produktentwicklung für produzierende Dienstleister [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Modell der Sustainable Innovations Group, Technical University [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Rahmenkonzept zur Entwicklung von PSS [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Rahmenwerk für die Analyse und Entwicklung von PSS [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Regelkreismodell des Life Cycle Managements investiver PSS [en] |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Vergleichsrahmen für PSSE-Vorgehensmodelle [en] |
Wachstums- und Ertragspotenziale im Service im Maschinenbau (Erhebung) [en] |
Webbasiertes Unterstützungswerkzeug zur Internationalisierung von dienstleistenden KMU [en] |
Why Information Technology is Not Being Used for Financial Advisory |