Improving Data Quality of Health Information Systems: A Holistic Design- Oriented Approach
Structural changes and increasing market dynamics in the healthcare sector intensify the health providers’ need for cost-savings and process optimisation. To address actual drawbacks the adoption of eHealth is currently seen as opportunity to improve not only effectiveness and efficiency but also quality of health services. Data quality aspects will therefore gain in importance. As the actual use of the data is outside of the systems designers’ control and in contrast to empirical- and practitioner based research approaches it is the goal of this paper to present a first design-oriented approach that helps systems designers to understand the reality of the different stakeholders of healthcare. This research result was described by Sanja Tumbas (2. May 2011 - 9:08) This research result was last edited by Sanja Tumbas (14. November 2011 - 20:35) |
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