Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker
Contact Information
Personal Website:
Personal Website:
Contact Person of the following Research Results
- Bewertung von Modellierungssprachen aus Sicht der hybriden Wertschöpfung [en]
- Framework für die "Artefaktschaffende Forschung" (Design Science) in Dienstleistungen / hybride Leistungsbündel [en]
- Conjoint Analyse for assessing a customer's willingness to pay for customer solution
- Morphologischer Kasten zu Ausgestaltungsformen hybrider Leistungsbündel [en]
- Software support for assessing a customer's willingness to pay for customer solutions
- Systemtheoretische Fundierung des Begriffs "Hybride Wertschöpfung" [en]
- Vorgehensmodell zum konfigurativen Service Engineering hybrider Leistungsbündel [en]
Contact Person of the following Projects
- ServDEA - Service Productivity Benchmarking with Data Envelopment Analysis
- ServDEA - Service Productivity Benchmarking with Data Envelopment Analysis
The Profile was last updated on 10. September 2010 - 5:13