Framework of a Process Laboratory for the Operational Control of Service Processes |
Towards Global Service Quality Dimensions: an Exploration of Commonality in Service Quality Measurement across Industries |
IT Impacts on Operation-Level Agility in Service Industries [de] |
The (Missing?) Value of IT in Public Organizations – The Case Of the Swedish Rescue Services [de] |
Barriers for Transformation: Impediments for Transforming the Public Sector through Egovernment [de] |
Risk-Based Decision Support in Service Value Networks [de] |
The Design of An Accountability Framework for Service Engineering [de] |
A Lifecycle Approach towards Business Rules Management [de] |
A Conceptual Model for IT-enabled Enterprise Risk Management in Financial Organisations [de] |
Intelligent Decision Support Systems and Neurosimulators: A Promising Alliance for Financial Services Providers [de] |
Facilitating Operational Control of Business Services: A Method for Analysing and Structuring Customer Integration [de] |
On Business Services Representation – The 3 x 3 x 3 Approach [de] |
Towards an Abbreviated COBIT Framework for Use in an Australian State Public Sector [de] |
An Evaluation Framework for e-Government Services Based on Principles Laid Out in COBIT, the ISO 9000 Standard, and TAM [de] |
The impact of mobile computing in the performance evaluation of Emergency Medical Services: An Australian case study [de] |
Transforming IT Service Management – the ITIL Impact [de] |
Internationales Servicemarketing - Die neue Dimension im industriellen Wettbewerb |
Ex-ante-Kalkulationsmodell zur mittel- bis langfrisigen Budgetkalkulation für den Dienstleistungsexport |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Vergleichsrahmen für PSSE-Vorgehensmodelle |
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering (PSSE) - Rahmenkonzept zur Entwicklung von PSS |